Wayne County Chamber of Commerce
January 2018 Events
Happy New Year to all! The Wayne County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors has chosen Mrs. Christine Chapman, former Wayne Chamber Assistant Director, to be the Executive Director. Christine is the owner of GLO Tan. She is busily developing plans for Chamber activities to increase business in Wayne County.
January 13th from 11 A.M.- 12 P.M. Law Enforcement Day will be hosted by the United Methodist Clergy of Wayne County in Room 400 in the old courthouse on the square. The public is invited to show support and thanks for state, county and city law enforcement officers, first responders, and EMT’s, and volunteer fire personnel.
The Chamber Board of Directors will meet on January 18th at noon in the Chamber Office.
The annual “Love Your Chamber” will be held February 14th from 11 A.M.-12 P.M. Chamber and community members are invited.
The Extension Office is participating in the Tennessee “Let’s Make History” 250K Day. Go to the link https:((tectn.org/250ktreeday/ and register to receive up to 5 bundles of trees for a total of 25 trees. These trees are free by putting in the code FREErREE when prompted. Timeline:
December 1- February 1, 2018. You must register online in order to receive the free trees.
February 24th, 2018- Plant those seedlings and post your pictures.
You can pick up your trees at UT Extension Wayne County office in Waynesboro on Friday, February 23rd until 5 P.M
Call James Harlan, Ag Extension Agent at 722-3229.
Author: Anita Miller, Ambassador