Wayne County Chamber April News
This past month has been busy in the chamber office as we celebrate people and new
openings and gear up for Spring and Summer events.
On March 11th the Governor’s Star Awards were presented in Nashville to Katy Wright and Maicee Burleson. Chamber Executive Director Christine Chapman and State Representative “Coach” David Byrd were present for the honors. Columbia State Community College held a ribbon-cutting for its Riverworks Entrepreneur Center. It has 3-D printers, laser printers, space to set up and research a new business idea and more at the Clifton campus. Present for the occasion were Columbia State President Dr. Janet Smith, Steve Allbrooks, Senior Advisor to Congressman Marsha Blackburn, Wayne County Mayor Jim Mangubat, Clifton City Manager Doug Kibbey and other guests.
New members this month are: Wayne County TN Republican Women, Katherine’s Magical World Vacations, Center of Hope and Brooksie Thompson. Welcome ya’ll!
April 4th is this year’s first Chamber breakfast- “Coffee & Commerce”- from 7:30 a.m.- 9 a.m. Come in and hear about changes in the chamber, give feedback, let us know what we can do for you! April 19th the chamber Board of Directors meets at noon in the chamber office.
We are still looking for sponsors and volunteers for the 15th annual Tour de Wayne on June 9th.
We are revamping our Scrolling Screens-get a 15 second commercial of your business, event announcements, etc. Call Christine for details. Later this Spring/Summer we will launch a Tourism Task Force. If you are interested, contact the chamber.
Home & Garden Show plans are underway. This will be a bigger event with a food court, a couple big box stores and more. Presently we have 38 vendors who tell us they want booths. Space is getting tight and time is passing for those who are still considering “Do I want a booth?” Call Anita or Elise at the chamber to register.
Columbia State Community College will hold a free Veteran’s lunch on April 12th. For more info, call 931-676-6966